Millions of believers worship a god with the personality of a five year old. Jealous, angry, homophobe, sexphobe, racist and most of all an attention freak. But those are the things you wont hear in churches, temples, mosques etc. the only time when gods wrath is discussed is to instill fear and control over the believers. If you do certain things, believe in anything “other than” or dare to question, you will be punished. A typical mind control technique by cults and religion.
The excuses to cover or distort all the evil that god does in the bible, by believers (apologists) are almost endless. books of most if not all religions are filled with hate, racism, chauvinism, murder, rape, incest, and many times contradicting "facts" that make no sense in the real world.
Every religion (ok most. but definitely including the biggest ones- Christianity, Judaism and Muslim) preaches love, but under the mask and inside the book there is allot of hate.